Daily Devotional

Unprecedented Thrones


15th March 2023

Scripture Reading: PSALM 18: 43-48


“As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me.” (Psalm 18: 44)

In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist affirmed that as soon as they hear of him, they shall obey. The psalmist did not say that men shall obey when they see him; he affirmed that men shall obey when they hear of him. Mere hearing of the person of the psalmist was to make people to obey. They were going to obey the psalmist even in his absence. Things were going to work in favour of the psalmist even in his absence.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: even in your absence, your influence will be felt. Even in your absence, men will align to work in your favour. Even in your absence, men will speak for you. Even in your absence, favour will speak for you. Even when you are not there, the gates of your congratulations shall remain open. Even when you are not there, you will not lose control. Even when you are not there, you will still be in charge.

In the system of the world, the wrong things have a tendency to happen in your absence. When you are not there, men can speak ill against you. When you are not there, people can steal from you. When you are not there, you may lose opportunities. When you are not there, your name can be removed from vital lists. Hear me as I hear the Lord: even in your absence, nothing will go wrong. High favour will speak in your absence.

You may have known what it means to have your influence felt when you are there physically, but in this season, God is causing you to have influence even when you are not there. God will cause things to align and work in your favour even when you are not there. God will cause you to have successes whether you are there or not there. God will cause you to have results even from people that are yet to see you.

Welcome to that new season where favour and fire will speak for you in your absence. Welcome to that season where good news will arise in your absence.


Even in my absence, high favour will speak for me, in Jesus’ name!

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“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46: 1)

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