Daily Devotional


7th June 2023

Scripture Reading: PSALMS 23: 1-6


“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23: 1)

In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist described the Lord as his shepherd. Notice that the psalmist in this scripture, was David. David was a shepherd boy. He had experiences whilst in the bush, both good and bad. What he went through in the bush became a basis for his revelation of the Lord as his Shepherd. What he went through in the bush occasioned his new revelation. What he went through became a tool that worked for his good.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: whatsoever you have been through will work in your favour. Whatsoever struggles you have been through will open the doors for your new season. Whatsoever experiences God has allowed you to go through, will make room for you in high places. Whatsoever roadblocks you have had to deal with will be mere preparations for your higher levels. Whatever you have experienced will prepare you.

At the time when David was in the bush, he encountered lions and bears, but he defeated them all. He may have left with scars, but those experiences birthed something higher in his life. Hear me as I hear the Lord: the scars and pains of your past experiences will birth new things in your new season. The scars of your yesterday will become tools for your advancement. The bitter tears of your yesterday will birth tears of joy.

When Jehovah is involved, all things that you have been through simply work for your good and in your favour. When Jehovah is involved, the things that came to break you in your yesterday will make you stronger in your tomorrow. When Jehovah is involved, the battles of your yesterday will become your victory in your tomorrow. What the enemy cooked up in order to take you down will make room for your greater rising.

Don’t allow the enemy to push you into hiding because of what you have been through. If Jehovah is involved, whatever you have been through is a tool for your next level revelation.


Everything that I have been through will work in my favour, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8: 28)

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