In our Focal Scripture, God proclaimed that He would cause breath to enter into the dry bones, and they will live. The next verse gave more details of how God would lay sinews, bring flesh, cover them with skin before the breath enters and they begin to live. So God gave the conclusion of the matter before giving details; God gave the end point of the matter before the show started. God established the end of the matter ahead of time.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: concerning the matters of your life, the conclusion shall be seen before the details. Before men hear of how your lifting happened, the lifting would have become your reality; before they hear of how you made it, you would have obviously made it; before they hear of how you broke through the ranks, you would have been at the top; the conclusion of your matter will stare at the faces of men.
God gave the conclusion of the matter of the dry bones, and every event that followed simply aligned to get the bones back to life. God spoke of what would happen in the end, and events aligned to make it happen. If God has spoken concerning you, then get set: every event in and around you will align to make it your reality. If God has spoken concerning you, then your testimony will be that everything lined up to favour you.
God knows the end from the beginning; He proclaims the end before things even begin. When God is involved, no power of hell can draw a conclusion different from what God already said; when God is in charge, no demon of hell can oppose or alter the conclusion that He has already determined in your favour. When God is for you, nothing can succeed against His plan for you.
Ask God to cause everything to align with the expected end He already determined for you; ask God to cause your conclusion to overshadow the details.