Daily Devotional


19th June 2023

Scripture Reading: PSALMS 23: 1-6


“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” (Psalm 23: 2)

In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist speaks of how the Lord makes him to lie down in green pastures. Notice that by the very nature of the sheep, it could easily get distracted and miss out on a pasture on its way; but at such times, the shepherd guides the sheep back into the pasture. The shepherd forces the sheep to see the pasture that is meant for it. The shepherd ensures that the sheep does not miss the portion that is meant for it.

Friend, I decree over you today: you will not miss your pasture. You will not miss your portion. You will not miss your opportunity. You will not miss out on what the Lord has ordained for you. You will not miss your promotion. You will not miss out on the helpers that God has laid on your path. You will not miss your divine visitation. You will not miss the platforms that God has positioned for your greatness to happen.

Today, I pray for you: no matter what happens, you will not miss your pasture. You will not miss out on the plan of God for your life. You will not miss your access into higher levels. You will not miss your targets. You will not miss the season of your congratulations. You will not miss what heaven has reserved for you. You will not arrive at the place of your visibility and be distracted. You will not arrive at your lifting season and be off the mark.

Again, I pray for you: may you not be distracted in your time of visitation. May you not be caught playing with other sheep when the Shepherd shows up with the pasture that has your name on it. May it not be said that you strayed, only to return and discover that the pasture that was meant for you has been taken by another. May you not be insensitive to the divine provision that heaven has made for you. May you not lose your portion.

Welcome to that new season where heaven will compel you to possess the portions that have been laid for you. I decree, you will not miss your pasture.


I will not miss out on my pasture, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot.” (Psalm 16: 5)

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