Daily Devotional



21th March 2023

Scripture Reading: PSALM 18: 43-48


“He delivereth me from mine enemies: yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man.” (Psalm 18: 48)

In our Focal Scripture, David thanked God for delivering him from the violent man. The violent man in the scripture was Saul. Saul was against David, because he knew that David had been anointed as king of Israel and would not let his (Saul’s) dynasty to continue (see 1 Samuel 20 vs. 31). Saul knew that if David’s prophecy is fulfilled, his own son won’t be king. Saul was positioned against the fulfillment of David’s prophecy.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every evil man that has sworn that the word of the Lord concerning you this year will not be fulfilled, let the fire of God be unleashed against him. Let the fire of God come against every man that says you will not sit on your throne. Let the fire of God come against any man that says you will not wear your crown. Let the fire of God consume every man who says that your prophecy will not be fulfilled.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: if they have arisen to speak and act against your prophecy, let the hand of the Lord strike them down. If they have chosen to obstruct the will of God concerning you, let the angels of God come against them and bring them down. If they are actively working against that which God has destined for you, let the Lord arise and show them that He is on your case. Let the Lord crush opposers of your prophecy.

Notice that Saul eventually died by the hands of the Philistines; even his sons died too, but David eventually sat on the throne. He did all he could against the rising of David, but he never succeeded. Hear me as I hear the Lord: those men who said you will never witness the fulfillment of your prophecy, heaven will take them out and cause your prophecy to be fulfilled. No scheme of man will frustrate the fulfillment of God’s word for you.

You have entered into the season of the fulfillment of your prophecies. By the hand of the Lord, every word that the Lord has spoken concerning you will come to pass, and no violent man can stop it.


God’s word concerning me will be fulfilled, and no violent man can stop me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.” (Jeremiah 1: 12)

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