Daily Devotional


26th April 2023

Scripture Reading: ZECHARIAH 4: 1-9


“So I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my lord?” (Zechariah 4: 4)

In our Focal Scripture, Zechariah was still asking questions about the vision he just saw. Notice that this vision was a prelude to the rebuilding of the temple. In Ezra 1, in order for the word of the Lord through Jeremiah to be fulfilled, God stirred up the spirit of Cyrus, King of Persia. God spoke a word, and at the time appointed for its fulfillment, He triggered series of events that culminated in the fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every word that God has spoken concerning you is coming to pass. That promise that God made to you is coming to pass. The will of the Lord concerning you is about to become reality. The pending matters of your life that have been postponed again and again are about to manifest. That glorious new beginning that heaven promised you is about to manifest. Your prophecy is about to be fulfilled.

The days of your waiting are over. The days of prophecy without fulfilment, are over. The days of holding on to the word of the Lord without seeing the manifestation, are over. The days of being mocked because your prophecy has not been fulfilled, are over. The days of being in captivity whilst your prophecy remains in jeopardy, are over. The days of looking like one without the word of the Lord in his/her life, are over.

God roused the spirit of Cyrus in order to make His word concerning the temple to come to pass. God stirred the heart of a king to enable His word to come to pass. I pray for you: God is about to stir the hearts of men to cause a fulfillment of His word for your life. God is about to cause some men to make plans that will cause His word for you to be fulfilled. God is about to mandate the men who will work to fulfill His word for you.

Welcome to that new season where the word of the Lord concerning you will speedily come to pass. Welcome to that season where you will move from prophecy to manifestation.


The word of the Lord concerning my life is coming to pass, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.” (Jeremiah 1: 12)

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