Daily Devotional

Empowered For Recognition

It Will End In Praise

19th November 2021

Scripture Reading: Acts 3: 1-11


“And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.” (Acts 3: 8)

In our Focal Scripture, as the lame man rose to his feet, he began walking, and leaping and praising God. The matter of his lameness ended in praise. That man initially came to the temple to beg for alms, but his matter ended in praise. What put him in a shameful situation ended in praise. What put him in lack and made him dependent on alms, ended in praise. The negativity that followed him from his mother’s womb ended in praise.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: the matters of your life will end in praise. The issues that have brought you to tears will end in praise. The difficulties that have made you cry will end in praise. The roadblocks that are laid out on your pathway will end in praise. The chapters of failure and misfortune that you are currently dealing with, will end in praise. The delays and stagnation you have suffered will end in praise.

That man at the beautiful gate could have ended as one who was born lame and died lame, but mercy said no. Mercy interrupted negativity and caused him to end in praise. Hear me as I hear the Lord: mercy is speaking for you. God is delivering you from the negative expectations of those who have seen your condition. God is delivering you from the negative expectations of those who believe that you are finished, with no hopes of rising.

In one moment, that man was still lame, sitting and begging; but by the next moment, his story had changed, and praise was duly provoked. It doesn’t matter how bad it is at the moment. A split second is more than enough for God to make it end in praise. No matter how bad your matter is, it is not beyond God; and if God be for you, He will cause whatever has defeated you in time past to be rolled away so that you can praise Him.

The same God that turned around the story of the lame man and caused it to end in praise will also cause whatever has brought you tears to end in praise.


Whatever has reduced me or brought me tears will end in praise, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.” (Psalm 37: 37)

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