Daily Devotional


It Will End In Praise

21st December 2021

Scripture Reading: Matthew 2: 1-12


“Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,” (Matthew 2: 1)

Another look at our Focal Scripture reveals that Jesus was birthed in the region of Judah. Judah is a Hebrew word that means ‘praise’; so the environment where Jesus manifested was praise; praise was the atmosphere where God revealed His only begotten son; praise was the locale where heaven’s package was released to earth; praise was the platter on which heaven’s plan for earth was made manifest.

Friend, as 2021 gradually draws to a close, put on the garment of praise. Praise God for the things He did for you; praise Him for the battles He fought and won on your behalf; praise Him for the doors and gates He opened; praise Him for opportunities you got on a platter of grace; praise Him for what you received that you did not deserve; praise God for unsolicited miracles He brought your way; praise God for being who He is to you.

It’s not enough to praise God for who He is or what He already did; praise Him also for what He is yet to do. Praise Him for those prayers He is yet to answer; praise Him for those doors He is yet to open; praise Him for those miracles that are yet to happen; praise God for those levels you are yet to attain; praise God for those expectations that are yet to become your reality; praise God for what you desire that is yet to happen.

Judah existed before Jesus was born in it; praise existed before heaven made a release. The praise that attracts heaven’s release is the praise that doesn’t wait for ‘things’; the praise that moves God precedes heaven’s release. If you praise God when you are yet to see divine a manifestation, your divine manifestation will become your reality. If you praise God when your hands are empty, He will make those empty hands to become full.

Tune up your praise already; start your praise party before devil lures you into a pity party. Create an environment of praise and heaven will make a release.


My praise will attract heaven’s release, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely.” (Psalm 147: 1)

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