Prior to our Focal Scripture, the widow of Zarephath had told Elijah that she only had a handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse, which she planned to use to prepare a meal for herself and her son. She had only enough for one more meal before death comes knocking. Notice that in our Focal Scripture, Elijah declared that the barrel of meal shall not waste, nor the cruse of oil fail, until the famine is over.
What was going to be enough for just one meal, eventually remained until the famine was over. What was supposed to finish after one meal, remained till an entire season was over. What was supposed to finish, did not finish as expected because the word of the Lord introduced the supernatural. What was supposed to expire in a short while, remained because the word of the Lord got involved. It was a case of divine multiplication.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you may not have the much you would rather have, but you will not run dry. You may not have all you need to have, but what you have will be divinely multiplied. Your supplies will not run dry. Your finances will not run dry. Your helpers will not run dry. Your good news will not run dry. Your celebrations will not run dry. Your relevance will not run dry. Your greatness will not run dry.
By the word of the Lord, what was meant to finish, did not finish. By the word of the Lord, your supplies will defy all expectations and will not finish as expected. By the word of the Lord, the circumstances of the day will not swallow what the Lord has put in your hands. By the word of the Lord, your greatness and relevance will be renewed. By the word of the Lord, your resources will survive and outlive every famine.
You belong to that generation that may not have all, but what you have will never run dry. By the word of the Lord, your supplies will never run dry.