When Ezekiel prophesied as he was commanded, there was a noise, and a shaking, and the bones came together, each bone to its bone. The bones had been disconnected from one another; circumstances had torn the bones apart, but when the word of the Lord was proclaimed, the bones began coming together; what was disconnected began connecting together again; what was separated began coming together again.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: everything that is scattered in your life and destiny is coming together again. The missing links are coming together again; the missing connections are coming back together; every ‘bone’ shall come together with the ‘bone’ that will make it move; the lost connections shall come back together; the lost opportunities will come back together; the lost grounds will all come together.
Hear me as I hear the Lord: your career shall connect with increase; your business shall connect with profit; your efforts shall connect with results; your preparation shall connect with opportunities; your dreams will connect with resources to make them a reality; your expectations shall connect with your reality; your prayers will connect with answers; your joy, peace, breakthroughs, satisfaction, etc will all come together.
In the realm of the spirit, all those scattered bones had ears; and as the proclamation was made, every bone began locating its fellow bone. Upon the proclamation of the word of the Lord, what was scattered and disconnected began to come together. For every scattered ‘bone’ in your life, I command a reconnection. Let the Lord reconnect you to the relationships, places, opportunities, etc that will take you higher.
There shall be no more scattering in your life; where there was once a scattering, there shall be a coming together.