One instruction God gave to Joshua was that priests should blow trumpets of ram’s horns. In Old Testament times, silver horns were blown in times of war; but God spoke about ram’s horns. Ram’s horns were used to announce jubilee (freedom/celebration). In bible times, captives were set free and people repossessed lands they already sold in the year of jubilee; jubilee was all about celebration. So God told Joshua to blow the jubilee horn.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: this is your season of jubilee. Your new season will not come with struggles; it will come with celebration. Let the sound of jubilee be on your lips as you march forward; let the sound of jubilee be on your lips concerning every pending expectation; soon, you will have cause to call people to celebrate with you; soon, your prayer points will turn to testimonies; soon, your walls of Jericho will give way to back to back celebrations.
Instead of more battles, you shall have jubilee upon jubilee; instead of struggles, you shall have restoration with compensation. When others say that things are difficult, you shall say that all things are working for your good. When others say that they are faced with walls, you shall declare that your own walls have fallen down flat. When others say it is all struggles and difficulty, you will declare that your jubilee is here.
The walls of Jericho were yet to fall down flat when the priests were commanded to blow the ram’s horn. They were meant to celebrate before the real substance that should provoke celebration manifested. You may not have seen any reason to celebrate, but God says, start celebrating already. Celebrate prophetically about the testimonies and higher levels you are yet to see; celebrate your high places and weightier blessings.
Your walk with God is a journey of faith. By faith, you walk into future celebrations that are yet to manifest. Blow your horns of Jubilee like Joshua did, and there will be an outbreak of celebrations and congratulations all around you.