Daily Devotional

Jesus Is Coming

15th November 2019

Scripture Reading: Matthew 14: 22-33


“And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.” (Matthew 14: 25)

As Jesus’ disciples struggled in the midst of the sea with their ship and the waves that tossed them about, Jesus showed up at the fourth watch of the night. He knew that they were struggling, and He came to their rescue. He knew about their opposition, He knew about the challenge that wanted to stop them, He knew that they were on that journey based on His instructions, and He wouldn’t let them suffer alone; he came to help them.

Friend, you may be like that ship that is tossed by the violent waves of life, but cheer up: Jesus is showing up without delay. Concerning that opposition that is hindering your movement to the next level, Jesus is aware and He is showing up on time. Concerning those battles that want to consume you, Jesus is showing up. Concerning the rejections, losses, conspiracies, hurdles, etc on your way, Jesus is showing up mightily.

Jesus knows about every wind that is against you; He knows about every plot that has been made to pull you down; He knows the mistakes that are haunting you; He knows the battles you cannot handle by yourself; He knows where you are unable to help yourself; He knows the issues that will take you down if they persist; and He is showing up to mightily help you out of trouble. Jesus won’t allow things to spoil in your hands.

The moment Jesus showed up, He walked on the waters. Jesus showed up and performed a spectacular miracle. Hear me as I hear the Lord: as Jesus shows up, expect a mega miracle that will shock you; as Jesus shows up, your impossibilities will become possible; as Jesus shows up, He will defeat the enemies of your destiny; as Jesus shows up, He will rewrite that story of pain, shame, setback, delay, rejection and disgrace.

When Jesus shows up, He shows off. When Jesus shows up, He makes everything right. No matter how hopeless everything is, keep your hope and faith intact, and in a matter of time, Jesus will show up.


No matter the battles I face, Jesus will show up to help me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you.” (Isaiah 35: 4)

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