Daily Devotional



4th March 2024

Scripture Reading: LUKE 7: 11-17


“Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her.” (Luke 7: 12)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of how a man was being carried out of the city of Nain, to the place of his burial. People were moving, but the end point of the movement was that a young man who should have been bubbling with life had just passed on. People were moving, but the end point of the movement was burial. People were on the move, but nothing good was to come out of it. It was simply a journey of negativity.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you will not journey in negativity. You will not make movements that will take you to a bad place in destiny. You will not make movements that will reduce your destiny. You will not make movements that will swallow your life. You will not make movements and make progress that will end in negativity. You will not move from life to death. You will not make movements that will cut you down.

People were on the move, but nothing good was going to come out of their movement. People were on the move, but they were to end in the place of death. People appeared to be making progress, but that progress was going to lead them into the grave. Hear me as I hear the Lord: it will never be said that your progress ended in the grave. It will never be said that you were swallowed in your own progress. You will not journey to death.

Today, I pray for you: every journey that wants to take you to the grave, the Lord has halted and reversed it. Every journey that is to reduce you, the Lord halts it. Every movement that will end in bitter tears, the Lord reverses it now. Every journey that will end in pain and distress, I decree, you will not be part of it. The enemy will not have the final say in the journey of your life. The enemy will not take you to the grave.

The season of being taken to the place of pain and bitter tears, is over. Every journey of negativity ends today.


I will not journey in negativity, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.” (Psalm 34: 5)

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