Daily Devotional

Just Believe

9th March 2019

Scripture Reading: John 11: 1-44


“Now Jesus was not yet come into the town, but was in that place where Martha met him.” (John 11: 30)

It is remarkably noteworthy that after His conversation with Martha, Jesus remained in the same place until Mary arrived. Martha did not seem to strike the right chords as she spoke with Jesus; she spoke mostly in unbelief; she spoke mostly like one who was not sure if Jesus would intervene or not; she mostly spoke like one who didn’t have faith or expectations, and in the end, Jesus remained at the same spot.

Friend, if you relate with Jesus from the platform of unbelief, He just might remain where He is without making movement towards your direction. If you do not yet have faith and confidence in what Jesus is about to do for you and in you, He just might be unable to take action despite wanting to. If you belittle Jesus with your meager expectations or even mere doubts, you just might tie his hands.

Jesus didn’t show up to mourn with the family of Lazarus; He showed up to raise Lazarus from the dead and attract glory to Himself, yet He slowed down because of the unbelief of Martha. Guess what? Your unbelief can slow Jesus down; your unbelief can make it difficult for God to do what He already planned to do for you. If you cannot trust the Lord to intervene, you are simply making it difficult for Him to do what He can ordinarily do.

Today, choose to walk the path of faith; speak God’s word back to Him. Confess that He is the One backing you up, showing you mercy, and performing His counsel unopposed from generation to generation. Grow your faith; just believe that God can and will come through for you; just believe that God is able to make all things good and perfect when He gets involved.

There is no wisdom in slowing Jesus down with your unbelief when He is set to respond. Just believe, and He will make all things beautiful at His own time.


I will not delay Jesus with my unbelief; I choose to believe, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. 7. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.” (James 1: 6-7)

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