Our Focal Scripture speaks of how the lepers at the gate of Samaria arose in the twilight, to go into the camp of the Syrians. They arose at a time when visibility was poor. They didn’t see as clearly as they should, but they kept moving. They didn’t have everything working in their favour, but they kept moving. They didn’t have the best of conditions, but they kept moving. They may not have seen their way well enough, but they kept moving.
Friend, I am aware that your ‘visibility’ might still be poor, but keep moving. You may not have the best of conditions yet, but keep moving; you may not have the best of support as you wish, but keep moving; the policies of the day may not yet be in your favour, but keep moving; you may not have seen the end of the road you are currently moving in, but keep moving; you may not know how things will turn out, but keep moving.
The lepers did not have everything in place, yet they moved. The sun was not available to help them to see, but they kept moving. The ‘sun’ may not have arisen to help you, the helpers you desire may not have come your way yet, the favours you desire may not have manifested yet, the odds may not yet be in your favour, you may not have seen the signs of the success you crave for, but by all means, keep moving.
The lepers moved at twilight; they moved while it was still dark, but they eventually got to the camp of the Syrians and walked into an abundance they did not labour for. They moved while everything seemed dark, but their result was undeniable. Hear me as I hear the Lord: if only you will dare move even while it is yet dark on your pathway, you will walk into undeniable results that will blow your mind. Darkness has nothing on your success.
Don’t allow the darkness of your day stop you from making progress. Even when there is no light around you, the light within you will suffice.