Daily Devotional

Face Your Battles

Keep Moving

21st April 2022

Scripture Reading: Mark 4: 35-41


“And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side.” (Mark 4: 35)

In our Focal Scripture, Jesus told His disciples that it was time to pass over to the other side. On that other side, He healed the man at the tombs in the Gadarenes (see Mark 5). So on the other side, it was all about impact. Jesus did not go to the other side to rest from His labours and efforts. He went to the other side to push for more results and impact. He went to the other side to achieve more. He went to the other side for more attainments.

Friend, as you desire to cross over to the other side, take note that you are not going there to rest and cease from impact. Your journey to the other side is a call to make more impact. Your elevation is an opportunity to be more useful than you have ever been. The new doors and gates that are being opened to you are being opened so that your life can have more resources for kingdom influence. You are crossing over to do more.

Never imagine your crossing over to the other side to mean that you have arrived and have no more need to lift a pin. Never imagine that God gave you more results so that you will stop working hard. Never imagine that your new season is a call to down tools and start enjoying without laboring like the servant that God has called you to be. Never mistake your mega advancement as an excuse to cease from relevance and influence.

Stop seeing your elevation as a destination in itself. The true destination is heaven, and until you get to heaven, every ‘other side’ is simply a passing phase. That new level is not your destination. That new achievement is not your destination. That open door is not your destination. That new helper that just showed up is not your destination. That latest achievement is not your destination. Nothing here on earth is your destination.

No matter the ‘other side’ you cross over to, remember, there are more sides to cross over to, and there is more impact to be made. Keep moving, and never make a mere achievement your destination.


I keep moving, I press for more impact; I will not make my achievements my destination, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” (Ephesians 5: 14)

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