Before Bartimaeus received his healing, Jesus first asked him what he wanted. Jesus took on Bartimaeus on the matter of expectation. Bartimaeus did not need to ask Jesus for money; he knew exactly what he needed Jesus to do for him, and he asked for it. He knew exactly what his expectation was, and he focused on it. Bartimaeus focused on his expectations, and in a matter of time, his expectations became his reality.
Friend, it’s high time you focused on your expectations. Focus on that which you would have the Lord do for you. Focus on your push for divine intervention. Focus on your push for God to do a new thing in your life. Focus on those solutions that you want heaven to birth in your life. Focus on those prayers concerning what is missing in your life. Focus on that intervention you want God to effect in your life.
Bartimaeus focused on what he would have Jesus do for him, and in a matter of seconds, he received what he desired. He focused on his expectations, and expectations became reality. As you focus on your expectations, they will become your reality. As you focus on that which you want God to make happen in your life, He will cause you to carry it with your own hands. As you keep your eyes on the goal, you will hit your target.
It may have been okay to ask mere men for alms, but the moment Bartimaeus got a chance to speak to Jesus, he raised his expectations. He focused on that which he truly needed God to do for him. He focused on that which no man could do for him. It’s perfectly okay if your true expectations are beyond the scope of men. Even if men can’t do it, God can do it. Even if men lack capacity to do it, God has what it takes to do it.
Don’t be carried away like those who are focused on everything but focused on nothing in particular. Keep your eyes on your expectations, and God will fulfill it.