In our Focal Scripture, God told Moses to bring Aaron’s rod and keep same in the testimony (Ark of the Covenant) as a token against the rebels that gathered to speak against them. That meant that long after both Moses and Aaron died, Aaron’s rod was still in the Ark. Even priests who never saw Aaron would have seen his rod in the Ark. What God did for Aaron outlived Aaron himself. What God did for him was generational.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: what is about to come your way will be generational. God is about to open doors for you which will remain open for generations coming after you. God will grant you favours that will remain for those coming after you. God will cause your business to take on a generational identity, and it will remain and flourish long after you are gone. God will cause your ministry to outlive you.
God was not about to do for Aaron what would be fleeting; God did not do what will fade away in the process of time. God wanted to do a miracle, and He did the type that generations unborn will witness. Hear me as I hear the Lord: what is about to come your way will be such that generations coming after you will see and be glad. God will cause you to receive things that will outlive you. God will grant you generational open doors.
The days of miracles that will be overtaken by events, is over. The era of receiving what will simply pass away in a short while, is over. Henceforth, you shall have doors that will remain open. You shall have favours that won’t be reduced or exchanged. You shall have elevation that will remain and not be reversed. It shall be said that you have miracles that have the capacity to remain.
Get set for a new season of lasting miracles. Get set for miracles that will outlive you.