Daily Devotional

Latter Is Better

21st May 2020

Scripture Reading: John 2: 1-11


“And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now.” (John 2: 10)

When the ruler of the feast drank the new wine that Jesus made, he summoned the bridegroom and began querying why the best wine did not come first before the worse wine. Impliedly, the ruler of the feast expected good wine first, then wine that may not have been good enough later, but the reverse was the case: he got a good wine first, and the best wine came later. The latter wine was better. The latter was better.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: your latter will be better and greater. Your path shines brighter and brighter; your good news will rise higher and higher; your good news will move from one level to another; you will move from good opportunities to even better opportunities; you will move from wealth to greater wealth; you will move from one level of relevance to a higher level; you will move from glory to greater glory.

Get set: in this season, everything in your life will move higher and higher. You will move from one level of greatness to an even higher level of greatness; you will move from one level of wisdom and insight to a higher level of wisdom and insight; you may have started well, but the future holds even greater results and impact for you; your today may be good enough, but your tomorrow will be even better.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: you will never have a better yesterday. You will not move from good to bad; you will not move from relevance to obscurity; you will not move from wealth to poverty; you will not move from having a job to having none; you will not move from good health to poor health; you will not move from strength to weakness; you will not move from being favoured to being out of favour; there will be no depreciation.

Align your destiny with the One who is able to make your path shine brighter and brighter, and your latter will be greater and better.


My latter will be better and greater, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.” (Job 8: 7)

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