Daily Devotional


23rd June 2023

Scripture Reading: PSALMS 23: 1-6


“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” (Psalm 23: 2)

In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist makes mention of how the Shepherd leads him beside the still waters. Notice that the waters were already still, but the shepherd kept leading. It was not a case of being led because the waters were turbulent. It was not a case of being led because there was a situation beyond the control of the sheep. The sheep submitted itself to be led at a time when the waters were calm already.

Friend, even when the waters of your life are calm, allow the Lord to still lead you. Even when there are no troubles trying to unsettle you and take you out of your place in destiny, still allow the Lord to lead you. Even when it seems that there is no visible affliction that should push you into prayers, still allow the Lord to lead you to pray. Even when there is no need to fight any battles, still allow the Lord to lead you.

The psalmist seemed to recognize that whether there be storm or calm, the leading of the Lord is needed. Whether there be crisis or calm, still be found at the feet of Jesus. Whether there be trials or triumphs, still remain prayerful. Whether your hands be empty of full, still allow the Shepherd Himself to lead you. Whether there be defeat or victory, let the Leader continue to lead you. Allow yourself to be led by God no matter the success.

When your waters are calm and you decide to forget the Leader, you are simply inviting a flood to come your way. When your waters are calm and you decide to stray from the Master, you are simply making yourself vulnerable in the hands of the enemy. When your waters are calm and you decide to go on your own, what will you do when the waters become turbulent? Do you even realize that it takes the Shepherd to calm the waters?

Don’t allow whatever the Lord has done for you to make you reduce your need and dependence on Him. No matter how calm the waters are, let the Lord still lead you. Don’t stray because of your calm waters.


No matter how calm my waters are, the Lord will still lead me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.” (Isaiah 30: 21)

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