Daily Devotional


1st June 2023

Scripture Reading: PSALMS 23: 1-6


“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23: 1)

In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist described the Lord as his Shepherd. The psalmist didn’t begin by speaking of what the Shepherd is able to provide. He began by speaking of what the Shepherd is to him. He identified the Shepherd as his Lord. The psalmist first acknowledged the Lordship of the One who is his Shepherd. Before speaking of what the Lord could do for him, he spoke of the fact that he had the Lord over him.

Notice that whilst making mention of Lordship, the psalmist made mention of the role of the Shepherd. In speaking of the Lord, the psalmist began speaking of how the same Lord functions as his Shepherd. The fate, destiny, life, etc. of the sheep was hinged on the Lord. There were benefits for the psalmist because of the Lord. The psalmist inferred that there is something for him in the Lord. The psalmist alluded to benefits from the Lord.

Friend, if Jesus has truly become your Lord, then you have benefits in Him. You have benefits in the Lordship of Jesus. Each time you spend time in worship, you are simply opening the doors of your life to divine benefits. When you make Him Lord over your destiny, you are simply accessing the fullness of His grace upon your life. When you make Him your Lord, you are making yourself available for His benefits.

There is something for you in the Lordship of Jesus. There is greatness for you tucked within the Lordship of Jesus. In Him, you will find answers to the questions of tomorrow. In Him, you will find benefits that men cannot offer. In Him, you will find access into greater grace. In Him, you will find divine help to rise against all odds. In Him, you will gain benefits that men cannot offer. In Him, there are benefits waiting for you to possess.

Welcome to your new season of greater divine benefits. As He presides over you as the Lord, you will gain more and more benefits.


The Lord is my Shepherd: I have mega divine benefits, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.” (Psalm 68: 19)

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