Daily Devotional


6th June 2024

Scripture Reading: 1 SAMUEL 30: 1-20


“And David said unto him, To whom belongest thou? and whence art thou? And he said, I am a young man of Egypt, servant to an Amalekite; and my master left me, because three days agone I fell sick.” (1 Samuel 30: 13)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of the Egyptian servant who fell sick and was abandoned by his Amalekite master on the way. This servant was in a moment of weakness and illness, and his master speedily abandoned him. He was abandoned because of his weakness. He was abandoned in his weak moment. He was abandoned at a time when he needed the protection of the strong. His weakness caused his boss to abandon him.

Friend, I pray for you: may God give you the gift of men who will not abandon you in your moments of weakness. May God send you the gift of men who will not leave you when you are in your low moments. May God send you men who will protect you when you are vulnerable. May God send you men who will not abandon you when it is convenient to abandon you. May God send you men who will not allow you to end on the way.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: receive the gift of men who will support you even when they know where you are lacking in capacity. Receive the gift of men who will stand by you even when it will cost them a lot. Receive the gift of men who believe in you even when you have failed. Receive the gift of men who will not abandon you even when they are disappointed in you. Receive the gift of men who will help you rise when you fall.

There is a generation that gloats and mocks when a man is weak. There is a generation that exploits the weakness of a man to advance personal agenda. There are men who will use the occasion of your weakness to gain an advantage over you. Today, I pray for you: may God send you men who will not sabotage your destiny in your weak moments. May God send you men who will be committed to you even in your weakness.

As surely as the Lord lives, may heaven bless you with men who will not be deterred by your weakness. May heaven raise for you men who will carry you up in your weak moments.


I receive the gift of men who will raise and protect me in my weak moments, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion.” (Psalm 112: 5)

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