Daily Devotional

You Have A Space

Made For The Best

5th April 2021

Scripture Reading: Mark 16: 1-9


“Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.” (Mark 16: 9)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of the fact that Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene out of whom He cast seven demons. Mary Magdalene was a woman of easy virtue; she was a follower of men who could pay to have her. She led a sinful life; but Jesus showed up in her life, forgave her, redeemed her, cast out demons from her, and made her the first to see the resurrected Jesus. She was the worst, but was eventually used for the very best.

Friend, you may be the worst, you may have been the worst in time past, but God will use you for the best. God will set you apart for the best. God will look beyond your past mistakes and make a glorious destiny out of you; God will look beyond your past failures and pitfalls and make a great destiny out of you; God will make you great regardless of how bad you ever was. God will change you and change your story for good.

Jesus did not count the sins of Mary Magdalene when He chose her to be the first to see Him in His resurrected body; He just simply chose her. She was not qualified but she was chosen. You may not be qualified but you will be chosen; you may have messed up so much that people around you can testify that you are not qualified, but God will qualify you. God will position you in high places; God will choose you for the best.

Mary Magdalene would have never aspired to be the first to see Jesus, but Jesus chose her and made her the first to see His resurrected body. Because of the mercies of God that have been released to you, even the things you have not aspired to accomplish will come your way. The open doors you did not pray for will come your way; the favours you didn’t know you would ever have will come your way. Favour is about to locate you.

If Jesus has redeemed you, then you will be used for the best. The best is coming to you; the best is yours.


I shall have the best; my past will not stop me, in Jesus’ name!

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Further Reading

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Memory Verse

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2: 10)

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