Daily Devotional


Mercy Speaks

22nd November 2019

Scripture Reading: Matthew 14: 22-33


“And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” (Matthew 14: 31)

When Peter began to sink as a result of his unbelief, Jesus stretched forth His hand and caught him. Jesus did not allow Peter’s unbelief to sink him; He didn’t allow Peter’s mistake to consume him; He didn’t allow Peter’s little faith to make a mess of Peter; Jesus saved Peter despite the fact that his unbelief was a huge error; Jesus did not allow Peter’s mistake to work against him. He saved Peter even when Peter messed up.

Friend, in moments when you are caught up in mistakes that want to sink you, may mercy speak on your behalf. May the voice of mercy be louder than the voice of judgment in your low moments; may the Lord keep you from being a victim of your own mistakes; may your destiny not be cut short on account of whatever you have not done right; may the enemy not prevail over you in moments when you have not done things right.

Peter’s error was an opportunity for him to sink, but it was also an opportunity for Jesus to show him mercy; and in the end, mercy prevailed. Hear me as I hear the Lord: concerning your life, mercy will prevail. Mercy will prevail over your family; mercy will prevail over your career, business, vocation, ministry, etc; mercy will speak for you when you cannot speak for yourself; mercy will shield you from dangers you attracted to yourself.

Jesus was yet to shed His blood when He showed mercy to Peter; if mercy could speak before redemption was activated, then it would speak even more now that Jesus’ blood is in the mix. If you have been redeemed by Jesus, then mercy has already been secured for you. The same mercy that saved Peter will save you from going down; the same mercy that spoke louder than judgment will speak for you when judgment is not favourable.

No matter how you err and mess things up, never forget that mercy is available to restore and save you from destruction.


Mercy speaks for me; mercy speaks louder than judgement, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” (Psalm 136: 1)

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