Daily Devotional

Thrones And Crowns

Mercy Speaks

2nd June 2022

Scripture Reading: Matthew 10: 5-6, 15: 22-28


“And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.” (Matthew 15: 22)

It is instructive to observe that the woman of Canaan asked Jesus for mercy, but the mercy she sought was for the sake of her daughter. So one person was seeking mercy which would work in the life of another person. One person prayed for mercy, but mercy was going to find expression in the life of a family member of the one who prayed. The prayer of mercy of one person was going to work for someone connected to her.

Friend, one beautiful thing about mercy is that as you cry for it, it not only shows up for you, but it can also show up for people connected to you. Mercy has the capacity to rewrite the stories of your family members. Mercy has what it takes to make the people around you come out of their graves and come into their own land. Mercy has what it takes to cause a flow of the supernatural in the direction of those connected to you.

Today, I pray for you: let your cry for mercy come through for those connected to you. Let your family members enjoy the mercies of God because of you. Let the mercies of God show up and interrupt the cycle of negativity for those that are around you. Let mercy come through for those who are depending on you. Let mercy speak for the voiceless around you. Let mercy give the undeserving people around you a new life.

The woman of Canaan took responsibility to attract the mercy of God to her child who was afflicted by the devil. She took responsibility to become God’s own channel of mercy. Take responsibility to become the channel of mercy to those connected to you. Even if they are guilty of what they are accused of, be a channel of God’s mercy to them. Even if they literally brought misfortune to themselves, be a channel of mercy to them. Even if they deserve the worst, be a channel of mercy.

Remember, one woman pleaded for mercy, and mercy located her daughter at home. Cry out for the mercies of God, and it will locate those connected to you.


The mercies of God will locate everyone connected to me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.” (Psalm 86: 15)

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