Daily Devotional


Misleading Voices

8th June 2019

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 16: 1-13


“And The Lord Said Unto Samuel, How Long Wilt Thou Mourn For Saul, Seeing I Have Rejected Him From Reigning Over Israel? Fill Thine Horn With Oil, And Go, I Will Send Thee To Jesse The Bethlehemite: For I Have Provided Me A King Among His Sons.” (1 Samuel 16: 1)

In 1 Samuel 15 Vs. 24, Saul Gave His Reasons For Doing The Wrong He Did. Saul Said, “…I Have Sinned: For I Have Transgressed The Commandment Of The Lord, And Thy Words: Because I Feared The People, And Obeyed Their Voice”. So Because Of The People, Saul Went Against God’s Express Instruction. Because Of What People Said, Saul Did What God Didn’t Approve Of; Because Of A Desire To Make The People Happy, Saul Made A Mistake.

Friend, You Are On The Way To Your Own Downfall If You Keep Living Your Life At The Behest Of People. If All You Care About Is What People Would Say Or How People Would Feel, Then You Are Setting Yourself Up For A Great Downfall; If Your Choices Are Determined By The Perceptions Of People, Rather Than Divine Preferences, You Might End Up Making Avoidable Destiny Mistakes; You Are In Error If The Voice Of Men Matter More Than God’s.

Saul Decided To Consider What People Were Saying Over And Above What God Said. He Elevated The Speaking Of The People Above God’s Wishes. If What They Think Matters To You More Than What God Thinks, You Just Might Be On Your Way To Making Mistakes That Will Wreck Your Destiny. If How They Will Feel About Your Actions Matters More To You Than How God Would Feel, You Are Getting Set To Be Dethroned Like Saul Was Dethroned.

Pay Close Attention To What God Has Said; Take The Warnings Of God Seriously. If What You Are About To Do Will Make God Sad With You, Then Don’t Do It, Even If The Whole World Would Be Happy If You Did It. If A Choice Would Put You At Loggerheads With God, Drop It Before It Makes God To Drop You; If The Action You Are About To Take Would Offend God, Leave It, No Matter Who Is Encouraging You To Keep Doing It.

When The Chips Are Down, The Voice Of The Multitude Will Never Be As Important As The Voice Of God. Don’t Let Mere Mortals Talk You Into Taking A Step That God Would Eventually Punish You For.


No Man Will Talk Me Into Offending God, In Jesus’ Name!

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“My Son, If Sinners Entice Thee, Consent Thou Not.” (Proverbs 1: 10)

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