Daily Devotional


Move Towards The Promise

15th August 2019

Scripture Reading: Joshua 6: 1-20


“And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valour.” (Joshua 6: 2)

In our Focal Scripture, God announced that He had given Jericho into the hands of Joshua and the children of Israel. God did not begin by speaking about how to dismantle the walls but He made a promise about Jericho. The walls were yet to fall; a challenge was still standing in front of the children of Israel; and God made a promise about giving Jericho into the hands of Joshua.

After making the promise to Joshua, God gave instructions about how the promise would be fulfilled. God gave instructions on how Joshua and his men would move in the direction of the promise He had just given them. God was not interested in analyzing their challenges; He was more focused on the result of giving them Jericho; God focused on the promise.

Friend, stop analyzing your mountain; just follow your promise. Stop worrying about the people who are against the fulfillment of God’s plan for you, and focus on God and His plan. Focus on what God has said to you; focus on the expected end that God has promised; focus on the results that God is about to bring and not the opposition that says it will not be possible; focus on the promise, and move in the direction of the promise.

The walls did not stop the promise from being fulfilled. The presence of opposition did not reduce or extinguish God’s promise to Joshua and the children of Israel. No matter the opposition, God’s promise concerning you will come to pass; no matter how difficult the path may seem, whatever God has said will be fulfilled; no matter who says that God’s plan concerning you will not come to pass, it will come to pass.

Move in the direction of the promise of God for your life. Focus on the word of the Lord, give less attention to the challenges on your way, recognize that the God of your promise is the same God that rolls away your opposition, and your promise will be fulfilled.


I refuse to analyse my mountain; I move in the direction of God’s promise for me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” (Jeremiah 29: 11)

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