Daily Devotional

Crowned On Purpose

Negative Enforcers

12th February 2022

Scripture Reading: Matthew 14: 1-20


“And the king was sorry: nevertheless for the oath's sake, and them which sat with him at meat, he commanded it to be given her.” (Matthew 14: 9)

Our Focal Scripture reveals that although Herod was sorry about the fate that was to befall John the Baptist, because of the oath he had taken, and because there were people watching, he ordered that John be killed. Because of people who needed the negative expectations to be fulfilled, he went ahead to do what he may not have wanted to do. Because of the enforcers of negativity around him, he executed evil upon John.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every gathering of people who are insisting that negativity be enforced upon you, I command them to scatter now. Every satanic observer that is watching to see that things must go wrong around you, I command the fire of God to send them parking. I command every gathering of people with negative expectations towards you to scatter by fire. I command every enforcer of evil to get out by fire.

Herod may not have gone ahead to kill John, if not for the fact that there were people watching to see if he would fulfill his oath or not. He may not have done evil towards John if not for what people expected him to do. Any man who is insisting that evil be done to you, I command the fire of God to take them out of the way. Any man who is watching to ensure that the story of your life ends negatively, I command fire to answer them.

Today, I pray for you: may the Lord send you men who will insist that good things will come your way. May the Lord send you men who will watch over your matters to ensure that the best comes to you. May the Lord send you men who will protect your destiny interests and ensure that you do not lack a thing. May the Lord send you men who will watch over your new season to ensure that it is not truncated.

The season of having men enforce evil against your destiny, is over. Henceforth, only enforcers of the good will be allowed into your life.


Every enforcer of evil against me, let fire answer, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.” (Isaiah 54: 15)

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