Daily Devotional


28th July 2023

Scripture Reading: 1 SAMUEL 16: 1-14


“And Samuel said, How can I go? if Saul hear it, he will kill me. And the LORD said, Take an heifer with thee, and say, I am come to sacrifice to the LORD.” (1 Samuel 16: 2)

When God sent Samuel to go and anoint one of the sons of Jesse as the new king of Israel, Samuel complained to God that Saul would kill him if the plot leaked. Samuel inferred that there was a challenge waiting on the way if he dared to go. Samuel suggested that something will not work well. Samuel had negative expectation concerning his impending trip, but in the end, Saul didn’t kill him. What he was afraid of did not happen.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: what you are afraid of will not happen. That negativity that you are expecting will not happen. The negative predictions around you will not come to pass. The roadblocks you are already anticipating on your path, you will not see them when you get there. Those failures you imagine that would happen to you, they will not happen. The bad news that you are already expecting in 2023 will not happen.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: your negative expectations will not come to pass. The rejections you imagine you would experience, will not happen. The failure you imagine would happen to you, will not happen. The negative expectations of the doctors will not happen. The negative calculations of people around you will not come to pass in your life. The issues that are building up fear in you will not happen.

Every difficulty you are expecting to see, I announce by the word of the Lord: you will not see it. Every roadblock you are expecting to see, I announce, you will not see it. Every opposition you are expecting to see, you will not see it. Every setback you are expecting to see, you will not see it. Every financial lack you are expecting to see in the second half of 2023, you will not see it. Your fears will not become your portion.

I decree, your negative expectations have crumbled. What you are afraid of will not happen. Out of your negative expectations, mega testimonies will emerge.


My negative expectations will not come to pass; what I am afraid of will not happen, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person.” (Job 22: 29)

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