Daily Devotional

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Never The Less

28th August 2020

Scripture Reading: Luke 5: 1-11


“And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.” (Luke 5: 5)

In our Focal Scripture, Peter said “…nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net”. The word ‘nevertheless’ consists of three words: never the less. Peter was about to let down his net at the instance of the word that Jesus spoke, and he was simply saying, “If I act on your word, I will not be the less”. The timing of the letting down of the net may not have been perfect, but Peter was not going to be the less because of the word.

Friend, if only you can rely and depend on the word of the Lord, you can never be the less. The word of the Lord upon your life can never permit you to be the less. The word of the Lord concerning your future will not permit you to be the less. The word of the Lord concerning your health will keep you from being the less. The word of the Lord concerning your finances will keep you from being the less.

When the word of the Lord is involved, you can never be the less, your results can never be the less, your future can never be the less, your favour can never be the less, your increase can never be the less, your breakthroughs and open doors can never be the less, your miracles can never be the less, your impact can never be the less, your reward can never be the less, and your advancement can never be the less.

If the devil has begun to take your eyes off the word of the Lord, beware, he is simply seeking a chance to make you less than you ought to be. If you are beginning to make the word of the Lord secondary instead of primary, you are simply packaging yourself to have a minimized destiny. God’s word has the energy of God to make things happen in divine proportions; God’s word has the capacity to make you more, not less.

Hold on to God’s word concerning your life and you will never be the less. Hold on to the word of the Lord concerning your life and your destiny will not be the less.


By the power of God’s word, I will never be less; I am more, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:” (Deuteronomy 28: 13)

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