Our Focal Scripture speaks of how Herod laid hold on John the Baptist and put him in prison. Herod eventually killed John while he was still in prison and gave his head to the daughter of Herodias. The prison marked the beginning of the downfall of John the Baptist. The confinement of John simply became the transition point to his death. The place of his confinement became the place of his death. Bondage reduced his destiny.
Friend, in 2022, refuse to be bound and put in prison. Don’t accept any form of bondage in your life. Don’t let the enemy confine your thoughts. Don’t allow the policies of men to confine you. Don’t allow any habit to become a prison for your destiny. Don’t allow any power of hell to make a prison for you to enter into. Don’t allow any power of darkness to cast a covering over you. Don’t allow the Herod’s of this world to put you in prison.
I decree over your life: you will not be bound. Your family will not be bound. Your career will not be bound. Your ministry will not be confined. Your finances will not be under bondage. Your health will not be under affliction. Your marriage will not be under the enemy’s confinement. Your visions and expectations for 2022 will not be bound. The answers to your prayers will not be bound. Your destiny will not be bound by the enemy.
If there be any power of hell that has vowed that you will be bound in 2022, let the fire of God answer them. Let the power of God dislodge every contrary power that wants to make you a prisoner in destiny. Let the fire of God melt every chain that the enemy has positioned to keep your destiny in confinement. Let the fire of God destroy every siege laid against your destiny. Let every chain that is holding you be broken right now.
The days of confinement are over forever. Henceforth, no power of hell is permitted to hold you hostage.