Daily Devotional


6th March 2023

Scripture Reading: PSALM 18: 43-48


“Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people; and thou hast made me the head of the heathen: a people whom I have not known shall serve me.” (Psalm 18: 43)

In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist proclaimed that God has delivered him from the strivings of the people. Notice that the word striving has several negative connotations, but that is not all: it was described as the strivings of the people. It was not the strivings of one man; it was the strivings of a multitude. People came together to create negative vibes against the psalmist. People came together to create an atmosphere of evil.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every gathering of people who have decided to create an atmosphere of evil around you and against you, I command them to scatter by fire. I command every conspiracy of evil to scatter by fire. I command every plot of negativity to scatter by fire. I command every group of evil men that are currently plotting to take charge of your nation to scatter by fire. I command evil people around you and against you to go down by fire.

People came together against the psalmist. It was a community of those who came with negative energy and negative plots to make life hell for him. Hear me as I hear the Lord: every community of evil men that have gathered to make life to become hellish for you, let the thunder of heaven strike them down. Let the Lord arise against the enemies that have gathered against your destiny. Let the Lord come against those against you.

In place of a community of negative men, God is raising for you a community of men who will work in your favour. God is raising a team of supporters who will help you rise higher and faster. God is raising a community of men who will speak on your behalf. God is raising for you a community of men whose efforts will yield results for you. God is raising for you a company of men whose priority will be to make life easier and better for you.

The days of being surrounded by men whose mission is to aid your downfall, are over. Welcome to your new season of sent men.



Every company of men working against me, scatter by fire, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.” (Isaiah 54: 15)

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