In our Focal Scripture, Jairus came to Jesus, and confessed that his daughter was at the point of death. Jairus was a ruler of the synagogue, but death had taken a position in his home. He was highly placed in the eyes of men, but right in his high position, he was hurting because death had paid him a very bad visit. Death was lurking within Jairus’ space. Something was about to die around Jairus despite his rank in the synagogue.
Friend, if there be any spirit of death that is lurking around you and yours, I command it to get out by fire. I command every darkness that is surrounding your home to get out. I command every death that wants to steal your family members to get out by fire. I command every spirit of death that wants to consume your career to get out by fire. I command every death that wants to invade your business, ministry, finances, etc. to get out.
Jairus was not going to fold his arms and allow his daughter to die. He was not going to relax and allow death have a free pass in his dwelling. Hear me as I hear the Lord: if there be any spirit of death that has crept into your locale, chase it away by the fire of God. Speak against that spirit of death that wants to consume your walk with God. Speak against that spirit of death that wants to consume your results.
Wise men do not allow anything around them to die while they remain silent. Wise men realize that it is their duty to stop the enemy from taking away anything or anyone under their watch. Wise men realize that their position in the synagogue won’t matter if the enemy succeeds in stealing and destroying what God empowered them to preserve. Wise men realize that it is their duty to stand against the spirit of death in their dwelling.
Don’t be counted amongst men who simply fold their arms and allow the spirit of death to hover around them and do as much damage as it wishes. Chase the spirit of death away. Don’t allow anything around you to die.