Daily Devotional

Empowered For Recognition

No Destiny Reduction

12th May 2022

Scripture Reading: Mark 5: 1-20


“And when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit,” (Mark 5: 2)

The person who met Jesus out of the tomb in the Gadarenes, was a man. He was not a boy; he was a full grown man. He was a man who should have a family and responsibilities. He was a man who should have a place in the city, but alas, he was in the tomb. He was a man who should be positioned for greatness, but he was afflicted by the powers of darkness, and he became a wanderer. That man had his destiny reduced.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: your destiny will not be reduced. Your greatness will not be reduced. You will not be pushed out of relevance and pushed into oblivion. You will not lose your place at the top. You will not be counted amongst the relegated. You will not be demoted from royalty to a common life. You will not move from the front to the back. You will not be counted amongst them whose greatness became a past issue.

That man at the tomb may have had achievements in his life, but whatever he achieved and whatever he had capacity to achieve were all covered by the condition that kept him at the tomb. Today, I pray for you: every satanic covering over your life, I command it to tear by fire. Every hand of the enemy that wants to cast a negative cloud over your affairs, let the fire of God answer them. Every evil covering over you, I tear it now.

You are not a candidate of a covered life. You were not redeemed by Jesus so that you can become a wanderer. You were not saved to become a slave to the powers of hell. You were not rescued from the powers of darkness so that you can go back to their stranglehold. Today, break out of every satanic chain the enemy has laid around you. Break out of every prison the enemy has locked you in. Break out of the tomb; leave the grave.

The days of destiny reduction are over. The days of wandering instead of possession are over.


I will not be less; my destiny will not be reduced or exchanged, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” (Proverbs 4: 18)

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