In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist describes himself as an olive tree that grows green in the house of God. One characteristic of the olive tree is that it can survive damage. It may be burnt or cut down, but Botanists say that if there is a strand of the root of an olive tree, it will grow again. Even if an axe is used in bringing it down, once there is still a root, growth is inevitable. Other trees may go down finally when they are cut down, but for the olive tree, it is not final.
Friend, you are like an olive tree that cannot be destroyed. You have the anointing of survival, and whatever comes against you, you will survive. No matter how hard your enemies fight you, you will survive. No matter how fierce the battle against you become, you won’t be destroyed. When men think you are finished, you will show up in grand style. When men think they have taken you out, you will stage a mega comeback.
Your life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God, and no harm shall pull you down. No attack on your health will lead to your death. No financial constraint will put you out of circulation. No conspiracy of the enemy will lead to your downfall. No policy of people in power will cut short your progress. Just like the attacks on the olive tree do not lead to its destruction, the attacks on you won’t destroy you.
Stop fretting on account of your adversaries and attacks. Stop breaking your head on account of people who have taken the responsibility of pulling you down. They may try, but they will certainly not succeed. They may fight you, but they will never win. They shall gather, but their gathering will come to nothing. Even when they wound you, their wounds won’t be lethal. Even when they throw their arrows at you, you will survive.
Live with the confidence of one who is not vulnerable to the enemy. Put on the whole armour of God, and you will withstand every attack of the enemy. Remember, you are like the olive tree; you can’t be destroyed.