In our Focal Scripture, a damsel told the people who prayed for Peter, that Peter had arrived, but they didn’t believe her. They insisted that she was mad; they even said it must be Peter’s angel. How could people be praying for Peter to be released from prison, and he was released and came to them, but they refused to believe it was him? How could they be praying but not believe that their answer had come? How could they pray in doubt?
Friend, as you pray, keep your doubts aside. Keep your unbelief aside. Approach God with all the faith you can muster. Even if you are not sure of how God will make things happen, be content to trust Him because He is God. Even if no one believes, dare to believe God. Believe God for the prayers He is yet to answer. Believe that the answers are coming. Believe that your gates are opening. Believe that your helpers are coming.
Notice that those men and women prayed for Peter, but apparently, they didn’t expect the promptness of heaven’s response. They prayed, but had no idea how dramatic the answer would be when it arrives. Dare to pray with faith; pray with a confidence that God is able to do as He has said; you may not know how He would respond, but be sure that He would respond sooner than later. Your answers will be loud and will resonate.
It’s okay to doubt men, but it is not okay to doubt a God who was God before any creation came into existence. It’s okay to doubt yourself, but never make the mistake of doubting God no matter how complicated your circumstances are. Never make the mistake of doubting God even if your situation seems hopeless. Never make the mistake of doubting God, even when you have no idea how your prayer will be answered.
Remember, God is already able to do more than you ask or think. Dare to approach God with boldness, and He will do more than you could ever imagine.