Daily Devotional


No Impossibility

15th January 2021

Scripture Reading: Numbers 17: 1-10


“And it came to pass, that on the morrow Moses went into the tabernacle of witness; and, behold, the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was budded, and brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds.” (Numbers 17: 8)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of how the rod of Aaron budded. That rod was not a freshly cut branch of a tree. It was a dry rod that would have lost all the moisture it once had. It was a dry rod that had simply left the realm where budding could still happen. Ordinarily it was impossible for such a dry rod to bud, but it budded in the tabernacle of witness (Ark of the Covenant). Aaron’s rod budded in God’s presence.

Friend, in 2021, your impossibilities will bow to the presence of the Lord. The things you could not achieve in time past will come within your reach as you reach for more and more of God’s presence. The heights that eluded you in time past will become your reality as you make the presence of God your anchor. The miracles that seemed rather far fetched in 2020 will become your reality in 2021 as you dwell in God’s presence.

Aaron made no plans for his rod to bud, but the presence of the Lord made the plan and executed same. So when the rod came into the presence of God, it may not have known God’s plan but it became a recipient of the plan of the Lord. You may not always know the plan of the Lord, but you will become a recipient of the manifestation of God’s plan when you make your abode in his presence.

What are those impossibilities that followed you into 2021? Take them with you into the presence of the Lord and they will become platforms for your 2021 miracles. Take your impossibilities into God’s presence and watch them become mind blowing wonders of God. Take those health challenges that doctors have given up on, into the presence of the Lord, and watch God turn back the hands of the enemy.

Remember, when Jehovah is involved, impossibility is nothing. Take your impossibilities to God’s presence and they will become possible in 2021.


In 2021, God’s presence will make my impossibilities to become possible, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“For with God nothing shall be impossible.” (Luke 1: 37)

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