Daily Devotional

22nd August 2023

Scripture Reading: 1 KINGS 3: 16-28


“And this woman's child died in the night; because she overlaid it.” (1 Kings 3: 19)

In our Focal Scripture, one of the harlots who appeared before King Solomon for judgement made mention of how the child of her fellow harlot died in the night. A new thing came the way of the harlot, but she lost the new thing shortly after. Something new was delivered to her, but it died in her hands. Something new was delivered to her, but it did not stand the test of time. her laughter was short-lived; her joy was short-lived.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you will not lose the new thing that God is bringing your way. You will not lose what God has put in your hands. You will not lose the children whom God has given to you. You will not lose your place in destiny. You will not lose that miracle that has made you laugh. You will not lose your results. You will not lose whatsoever heaven has granted you that wiped your tears. You will not lose your portion.

As God opens new doors and gates for you, you will not lose it. As God causes you to rise, you will not fall. As God causes results to come your way, you will not lose same results. As God causes your barns to be filled with plenty, you will not suddenly go empty. As God makes all things new in your life, the enemy will not snatch what God has given to you. You will not gain and later lose it. You will not make progress and later retrogress.

Someone who already had reasons to celebrate and be congratulated, suddenly found herself in a situation where the object of her laughter had become an object of pain. Her good news was swiftly mixed with bad news. Today I decree, your laughter will not be turned into pain and shame. Your good news will not be mixed with bad news. Your laughter will not be mixed with sorrow. Your rising will not be followed by falling.

The powers that cause men to cry over the same things they have laughed about, will not find space in your dwelling. The powers that cause men to lose what they already gained, will not prevail over you.


I will not lose what heaven has given me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“You’ll know that your place on earth is safe, you’ll look over your goods and find nothing amiss.” (Job 5: 24 MSG)

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