Daily Devotional

Watchers Are Watching

No More A Spectator

2nd September 2020

Scripture Reading: Luke 5: 1-11


“And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink.” (Luke 5: 7)

Prior to our Focal Scripture, Jesus got into the ship belonging to Peter, and from there He preached the word of God to the multitude. Jesus would later grant Peter a net breaking miracle that saw his ship filled with fishes; and in a matter of time, the other ship belonging to James and John also got filled. James and John moved from being mere watchers to being partakers. They moved from being spectators to being recipients of the miracle.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: in this season, you will move from being a mere watcher to being a participant of the miracles of God. You will not just watch others receive from the mighty hands of God; you will be a partaker of that which God has to offer. You will not just watch the ship of others being filled; you will also have your own ship filled to the brim. You will partake of the outbreak of good news that heaven has to offer.

Get set: you are about to experience the wonders of God, not just as a spectator, but as a beneficiary. God is about to grant you amazing miracles that will shut up the mouths of naysayers and mockers around you. God is about to cause you to walk into new realms that you may have previously desired. God will cause the dreams of yesterday to become your new reality. God will cause you to move from watching to receiving.

The days of being a mere watcher or spectator in the acts of God, are over. The days of merely watching and hearing what God did for others, without being able to tell the tale of what He has done for you, are over. The days of being so close to the mighty wonders of God, without being a beneficiary, are over. The days of hearing of what God did for others, without seeing what He has done for you, are over.

The manifestation of the wonders of God has berthed in your abode. The reality of the wonders of God has become your portion. The gates of divine manifestation are open. You shall no more be a spectator.


I witness the acts of God in my life; I am no more a spectator, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.” (Obadiah 1: 17)

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