Daily Devotional

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No More Fears

11th December 2020

Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 6: 8-23


“And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” (2 Kings 6: 16)

Prior to our Focal Scripture, Elisha’s servant had seen the chariots of the Syrian army which surrounded them. Those chariots were enemy chariots. Those chariots were there to facilitate the arrest of Elisha. Those chariots were there to work out negativity for Elisha and his servant. Elisha counseled his servant to not fear. In the midst of what was enough to evoke fear, Elisha commanded his servant to not give room for fear.

Friend, I am aware that there may be ‘Syrian chariots’ that have surrounded you, but God says, give no room for fear. Do not fear the fear of the heathen. Do not accept to live in fear because of the conspiracies against you. Do not live in fear because of the negative news on the airwaves. Do not allow global trends to make you live in fear. Do not allow the misfortune that may have befallen others to make you live in fear.

Elisha’s servant saw what was going on around him, and fear beckoned. What he saw with his human eyes led him to the place of fear. In this season and beyond, be mindful of the gateways of your life and what goes through them. Be mindful of the news you listen to; be mindful of the conversations you partake in; be careful of the pictures that the enemy plays in your mind; be mindful of the negative predictions you listen to.

Fear is believing that negativity will come to pass. Fear is faith exercised in the wrong direction. If you can believe that negativity can come to pass, then you might as well believe that positive results will come your way. If you can believe that the enemy will make a mess of your destiny, then you might as well believe that God will make all things beautiful in His time. If you can believe in the enemy’s words, then you should believe God’s report.

Don’t allow what you see around you to push you into fear. Don’t give room for fear no matter the ‘chariots’ you see around you. Don’t allow the enemy to torment you with the fear of the unknown. Don’t give in to fear.


I choose faith over fear, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” (2 Kings 6: 16)

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