It is important to observe that the noble man in our Scripture Reading was a man in business. So within his business, he had a slothful servant who could not be trusted to handle one pound. Within what would have been a thriving business, he had someone who was ready to bury his one pound. Within his business, he had a spoiler who had no qualms making a mess of his business. He had a spoiler within, willing to reduce his business.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every spoiler in your destiny that is posing like a servant, I command them to be exposed. Every man posing like a helper but functioning like a spoiler, I command them to be exposed. Let your eyes be open to see the messengers of darkness that are working against you from close quarters. Let your eyes be open to see the spoilers that are making a mess of your name and reputation. Let your eyes be open to see the men who are poised to reduce your efforts to nil.
Notice that the noble man would have hired that servant who turned out to be a spoiler. He used his resources to feed and sustain someone that was working against his enterprise. Today, I pray for you: you will not use your own hands to import negativity into your enterprise. You will not use your own hands and invite the spoilers that will make a mess of your marriage, family, finances, business, career, ministry, etc.
If only the noble man knew that he was dealing with a spoiler, maybe he would have been careful to give that one pound to another servant who would add value. If only he knew, maybe he wouldn’t have lost a potential profit that should have come to him. Again, I pray for you: may God separate you from people who are there to disconnect you from future profit. May the Lord disconnect you from opportunity wasters.
No longer shall it be said that you became a victim of spoilers. No longer shall any man walk in to spoil what you labored for.