Daily Devotional


No More Tears

10th March 2019

Scripture Reading: John 11: 1-44


“The Jews then which were with her in the house, and comforted her, when they saw Mary, that she rose up hastily and went out, followed her, saying, She goeth unto the grave to weep there.” (John 11: 31)

When Mary arose to go and meet Jesus, the Jews which were with her in the house followed her, thinking that she was going to Lazarus’ grave to weep again. Apparently, Mary had gone to Lazarus’ grave to weep again and again; she had mourned repeatedly over the same situation; she had shed bitter tears on account of the same challenge, and those who saw her past moves thought she was about to cry again like she did before.

Notice that Mary was not on her way to the grave; she was on her way to meet Jesus. She was not about to cry again; she was not about to fulfill the negative expectations of people around her; she was not about to shed the same bitter tears they had seen her shed; she was not about to mourn again like they had seen her do; she was not about to engage in the same negative cycle they had seen her engage in.

Friend, people may have seen you shed bitter tears, but not anymore; they may have seen you disappointed in the past, but not anymore; they may have seen you rejected and disgraced in the past, but not anymore; they may have seen your failures and pains in the past, but not anymore; they may have seen repeated negative cycles in your life, but not anymore; they may have seen their negative expectations become your reality again and again, but God says, not anymore.

Mary rose to go and meet Jesus, and in a matter of time, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. She seemed like one who was about to cry again, but it ended in praise. Go and announce to those who think you will cry again that your story will end in praise and in celebration. Those who imagine that you are finished will soon realize that God has just started a new thing in you.

Don’t lose sleep on account of those who have the records of when you cried bitter tears. Give them some time, and God Himself will shock them with miracles they didn’t see coming.


No more bitter tears; I rise to my good news, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.” (Psalm 45: 7)

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