Daily Devotional

Don’t Walk Away

No Negative Cycles

27th March 2020

Scripture Reading: Luke 17: 11-19


“And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee.” (Luke 17: 11)

Apart from passing through Samaria, Jesus also passed through Galilee on His way to Jerusalem. One of the meanings of Galilee is ‘a cycle’. So for Jesus to arrive at Jerusalem, He needed to pass over the place called ‘cycle’. Jesus broke out of the cycle on His way to His destination. Cycles are synonymous with repeat movements; cycles are synonymous with rising and falling; so Jesus broke out of rising and falling on His way.

There comes a time when one must discern between truly moving forward and moving around in cycles without real progress. There comes a time when one must realize that previous movements have simply led one back to the places where one had already left; there comes a time when one must get fed up with moving only within boundaries and being unable to break out. There comes a time when one must break out.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every negative cycle is broken in your life; the cycle of rising and falling is over in your life. The cycle of back and forth movements has elapsed in your life. The cycle of gaining and losing is over in your life; the cycle of confinement is over in your life; the cycle of going forward and backwards is over; the cycle of moving within the boundaries the enemy has set for you is over; the season of negative cycles is over.

Every negative cycle the enemy has instituted in your life, I command it to end now; I command the cycle of negative repetitions to come to an end; I command the cycle of pain and rejection to come to an end; I command the cycle of failure to end; I command an end to the cycle of losses that swallow your gains; I command the cycle of demonic attacks to come to an end; I command every satanic cycle in your life to come to an end.

The era of rising and falling is over in your life; henceforth, you will break forth on all sides and make progress.


Every negative cycle in my life is broken; I advance; I rise; I move forward, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places.” (Psalm 18: 33)

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