In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist proclaimed that strangers shall submit themselves to him, and that the strangers shall disappear. The word ‘strangers’ comes from the word ‘strange’, which means bizarre, terrible, odd, etc. Notice that the word ‘strange’ connotes negativity; notice also that the strangers began by submitting and then moved to fading away. Negativity began by bowing, but eventually faded away.
Friend, there may be negativities that have submitted to you already, but hear me as I hear the Lord: anything that is not in consonance with the will of God for your life, let there be total elimination. Whatsoever that God has not planted in your life, let it fade away immediately. Let every health challenge fade away. Let every satanic conspiracy fade away. Let every gate of negativity fade away. Let every evil altar fade away.
This year, you will not exist side by side with negativity. You will not exist side by side with whatever the Lord has not planted. You will not exist side by side with the gates of hell. You will not exist side by side with affliction. You will not exist side by side with strange troubles. You will not exist side by side with satanic burdens that the enemy put on you. You will not exist side by side with strange people that the enemy sent to you.
If it is not of God, then it will not only bow; it must also fade away. Today, I decree, let everything that is not of God fade away; and let everything that pertains to life and godliness appear by fire. Let the good news you desire appear. Let the congratulations you desire, appear. Let the greatness you desire, appear. Let the restoration you seek, appear. Let the elevation you desire, appear. Let the helpers you desire, appear.
Welcome to that season where everything that is not of the Lord will fade away. Welcome to that season where the things that God did not plant will be rooted out.