Daily Devotional


No Negativity

17th August 2019

Scripture Reading: Joshua 6: 1-20


“And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valour.” (Joshua 6: 2)

In our Focal Scripture, God made mention of the fact that He had given Jericho into the hands of Joshua. God also spoke of the king and mighty men of Jericho who were part of the gift. God did not mention the walls of Jericho. So those walls were not part of the gift that God gave, and they had no choice but to go down. The walls of Jericho were like limitations that wanted to hinder God’s people, and they had to go down.

Friend, anything that is not part of God’s gift to you must go down. That sickness must go down; that challenge from the pit of hell must go down; that roadblock that the enemy has erected on the pathway of your progress must go down; that limitation that the enemy has set up to stop you from advancing must go down; that attack from the pit of hell that wants to reduce or extinguish you must go down.

God was not about to give a territory to Israel and still add negativity to the package; God gave a perfect package; and the negativity that was not part of the plan had to go down flat. Hear me as I hear the Lord: no negativity is part of God’s plan for you; no evil repetition is part of God’s plan; no wickedness of the wicked is part of God’s plan; no disaster, bad news, pain, shame, disgrace, etc is part of God’s plan for you.

Reject every negativity you see around you; reject every pain and disgrace; reject every difficulty that has come to ruin your progress; reject every situation that is in clear violation of scriptures; reject every circumstance that has caused you bitter tears; reject every negative pattern that wants to be on repeat mode in your life; reject every wall that wants to surround your ‘Jericho’.

God’s gift is ever perfect; so if you see a wall, take note that an enemy has brought it on board. If it is a wall, and if it is negative, command it to go down.


Every negativity must go down, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.” (Matthew 15: 13)

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