Our Focal Scripture introduces one of the sons of the prophets who died and left a debt for his wife and children. That man had a debt while he lived, and at the time of his death, his debt was still there. Debt is a negative situation; so that man lived with negativity (debt), and when he died, the negativity he lived with still lived on. Negativity continued in his family after he had died. Simply put, negativity outlived the man.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every negativity in your life, I command it to expire now. I command every negative situation in your family to expire now; I command every negativity in your health to expire now; I command every negativity in your career/business to expire now; I command every negative situation in your finances to expire now; I command every negativity in your destiny to terminate by the word of the Lord.
You will outlive every negativity that has showed up in your life; you will prevail over every conspiracy that has come up against you; you will outlive those who want to pull you down; you will outlive those who have dug graves for you; you will outlive the challenges that are threatening the economy in your days; you will outlive every challenge that has come to cut short your destiny; you will outlive the works of the enemy against you.
No negativity will prevail over you; no negative situation will outlive you; no challenge from the pit of hell will take your place in your family; no unpleasant situation will loom larger than your life; no debt that you owe will outlive you; no failure of today will outlive you; no disease in your family or bloodline will outlive you; no attack of the enemy against you and yours will outlive you. You will not go down only for negativity to remain.
The days of negativity in your life are over. You prevail by prayer and by the word of the Lord.