It is instructive to observe that King Cyrus had already decreed that the children of Israel could proceed to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem (see Ezra 1 vs. 2), but the enemies of Israel stood against the decree of the king and elected to frustrate the plans of rebuilding the temple. The decree of the king in those days was such that no man should disobey, but some men ganged up and stood in the way of what the king already said.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every man that has stood against the decree of the king in your favour, let the fire of God burn them to ashes. Let the anger of the Lord be unleashed against and upon every man that says the word of the Lord concerning you will not come to pass. Let the anger of the Lord be released against every opposer that says your doors will not be opened as the Lord has decreed. Let everyone opposing the favourable words of kings towards you be silenced by fire.
How could a king in Babylon say what he wanted, and a few men would gather to frustrate it? How could the king pass a decree, and some men would gather to ensure that the king’s decree would not come to pass? Hear me as I hear the Lord: any conspiracy against the word of the king that is in your favour, let the fire of heaven swallow the opposers. Any man that says your prophecy will not be fulfilled, let fire answer for you.
Today, I decree, let the word of the Lord find speedy fulfillment in your life. Let every promise that God has made to you become your reality immediately. Let the favour of kings and favour from kings find expression in your life soonest. Let every policy that is in your favour find speedy accomplishment. Let the words that men have spoken to favour you come to fruition. Let every positive word that has been decreed work in your favour.
The era of having mere mortals successfully stand in the way of the word of the Lord concerning you, is over. Henceforth, every word that has been spoken in your favour by God or by the kings of this world, shall speedily come to pass.