Daily Devotional


14th June 2023

Scripture Reading: PSALMS 23: 1-6


“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23: 1)

In our Focal Scripture, the psalmist announced that the Lord is his shepherd, and that he shall not want. The word ‘want’ as used in that scripture, comes from the Hebrew word that is phonetically spelt as ‘khaw-sare’. Another meaning of ‘khaw-sare’, is ‘decrease’ or ‘diminish’. So the psalmist proclaimed that because the Lord is his shepherd, he will not be decreased. The psalmist proclaimed that he will not be diminished.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: in 2023 and beyond, you will not be reduced. Your destiny will not be decreased. Your influence will not be diminished. Your relevance will not be reduced. Your greatness will not be decreased. Your opportunities will not be reduced. Your favours will not be reduced. Your congratulations will not be diminished. Your open heavens will not be decreased. Your life will not move from high places to low places.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: every plan of the enemy to reduce you this year or beyond, I cancel it by fire. You will not rise and fall. You will not advance and retrogress. You will not be counted amongst them that simply gained and later lost what was gained. You will not have the works of your hands diminish before your very eyes. You will not have your resources diminish before your very eyes. No man and no system will diminish you.

I decree, the oil of increase is upon you. Wherever you go, you will rise higher and higher. Wherever you go, you shall be more and more. Whatsoever chapters that arise around you, yours shall be a tale of increase. Your profits shall increase; your resources shall increase; your impact shall increase; your glory shall increase; the glory of the Lord shall increase over your life; the favour of God over your life shall increase. You will increase on all sides.

The doors of increase are open to you. The doors of destiny reduction are closed forever.


The Lord is my shepherd: I will not be diminished, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” (Proverbs 4: 18)

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