Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem. In Revelations 21, Apostle John speaks of how the earthly Jerusalem was destroyed and a New Jerusalem emerged from heaven. In the old Jerusalem, there was fighting and troubles; but in the New Jerusalem, there was no crying, there was no sorrow, there was no death and there was no pain. The New Jerusalem was devoid of negativity.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: God will plant you in that Jerusalem that is without pain and without tears. God will plant you in the Jerusalem that will come without terror or trouble. God will position you in a New Jerusalem where the battles of your yesterday will not show up again. God will position you in a New Jerusalem where your past fears and challenges will not repeat. God will position you in a New Jerusalem devoid of sorrow.
Hear me as I hear the Lord: the reign of negativity over your life is over. The reign of evil over your destiny is over; the reign of the power of darkness over your life is over; the reign of sorrows over your life is over; there shall be no more bitter tears; there shall be no more pain; there shall be no more devastation; there shall be no more disaster; there shall be no more death; there shall be no more bad news.
In the first Jerusalem, the good existed side by side with the bad; but in the New Jerusalem, negativity was completely expunged. The good was no longer mixed with the bad. Hear me as I hear the Lord: the good will no longer be mixed with the bad in your life. Good news will no longer be accompanied with bad news. Your favour will not come with needless contention. Your Jerusalem will no longer be filled with negativity.
Ask God to position you in that New Jerusalem that will have no tears and no sorrow; ask God to position you in that Jerusalem that is without negativity.