Daily Devotional


10th January 2024

Scripture Reading: MARK 10: 46-52


“And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging.” (Mark 10: 46)

Our Focal Scripture makes mention of how Bartimaeus sat by the highway side. Ordinarily, a highway is a zone of speedy movements; but whilst others moved, Bartimaeus was not on the move. In a place where men were on the move, Bartimaeus was not making progress. In a place where focused men went in the direction of their agenda each day, Bartimaeus didn’t move. In a place where movement was allowed, Bartimaeus didn’t move.

Friend, it is an error to show up on the highway and fail to move. It is an error to show up where men are on the move, and fail to move. It is an error to be in a place where you have opportunities to rise and advance, and you prefer not to move. it is an error to be in that place where your contemporaries are moving, and you are not moving. It is an error to remain stagnated when others are taking their chances and making progress.

Whatever has kept you stagnated where men ought to be moving, I command it to loosen its hold on you. I command every chain that is holding you back to the same spot year after year, to lose its hold on you. I command every satanic arrangement that has stagnated you in time past to be broken. You will not be stagnated when others are moving. You will not be stagnated when others are simply advancing and rising higher.

This year, receive the wisdom to move in the right direction and with the right pace. Reject the temptation of remaining stagnant when you should be on the move. reject the temptation of being lazy when you should be super productive. Reject the temptation of being less when you can be more. Reject the temptation of playing small when you can play big. Reject the temptation of choosing stagnation when advancement is best.

Remember, it is an error to be stagnant on the highway of life. If life brings you to a place of speedy movement, refuse to remain at a spot.


I will not be stagnant on the highway of life, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places.” (Psalm 18: 33)

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